The Rollercoaster Of Life.....

Everything that I didnt plan in the last week has pretty much happened. 1.30am Saturday morning I ventured down for an early surf at the goldy with Joe Clarke and was planned to drive straight home after a surf for a quiet saturday night. Next thing I know we are at the Rigbys having a wild time and heading out to Surfers. I then have to deal with a shit hangover on Sunday. Work Monday, and have no interest to go to the races for Melbourne Cup the next day, untill my boss says ''do you want tomorrow off to go to the races'' naturally I say yes... Tuesday morning pumping waves for 4hrs then off to the races for an entertaining day, eat 5 cheeseburgers for dinner then try get some sleep before work tomorrow.. Wake up at 4 and head to brisbane for a hard day of labouring, we come across standard peak hour traffic. I'm half asleep in the back when I hear a screech then get whiplash from hell 3 times in a row. I opened the door and stumbled out to realize we just got in a pretty wild little 6 car accident. Recieved a friendly lift from the police to a servo and head home for the day to a suprise of more good waves. Heres a few pictures of some of the events.

Expect the unexpected!


Is that really Joe?

